Monday, August 25, 2008


All my children love fruits. The third one (Aina Mahirah) really love fruits and vegetables. She can eat fruits only and skip her meals. But as usually, she cannot miss any meals, since my wife will force on her.

Went to Kluang during the weekend for some business. Stopped by an organic farm and bought four units of baby dragon fruit tree, which we have planned to buy since a few months ago.

Yesterday, planted the four trees in my backyard. Made the dragon fruit housing using some woods from the nearby construction site. Polishing my unused carpentry skills. Asked a few questions to the seller, it need very little water since it is actually a cactus. However it need a lot of organic fertilizer, in which you need to put it in every forthnightly. I will post more pictures as the tree grew. It will take at least 8 months for the first harvest.

Dragon fruit or pitaya, with a scientific name of Hylocereus has many uses. It can be eaten raw or made into juice.

This will be my experiment and if works, i will plant more of it around my house.


Nizan said...

What's the tyre tube for?

drzalie said...

To keep the fertilizers around the fruit longer, so it will not disperse away too fast. Not sure if it works or not. Haha.

Nizan said...

Takde ke-las la guna tayar bang. Takleh guna benda lain ke? Pasu bunga would be nice.