Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Ublog Review (Mini)

Trying to write this mini review all along but couldn't find the time. This one is not written from ublog. The best thing about ublog is that it is a freeware. Other mobile blogging tools are shareware ie vagalog, moblog etc. I have tried vagablog previously but the interface are not very user friendly. There was not much updates ever since. Ublog supports blogger/blogspot, typepad and movable type. I can only comment on blogger since i am using it for blogger. Never had any experience with typepad or movable type. First you have to set the settings for your blog. You can set for any number of blogs. The manual is quite helpful ( I have 2 blogs around. You can create a new post by just clicking on the New Post icon. You don't need to publish immediately. It can be saved first in your palm and be published later. The best thing is all the published or unpublished blog from your palm will be saved in your palm unless you deleted it. You can still edit the blog even after being published. This feature is absent from vagablog. I will try to post some images later via

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